понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

euro historical rate

Nino: Say something funny please.
Ohno: (In English) Government.
Ohno walks out.
Cameraman: Government...
Nino: That wasnapos;t funny at all.
Nino: Well, thatapos;s how he is, when I ask him to do things.

Why do I find that so wonderful?

I stayed up way too late last night and gave myself the worst headache stomach pains ever, which led to me not going to my classes, which I would normally freak out and be ridiculously stressed over... But I canapos;t bring myself to care. That is how much I dislike said classes and this school and being here in general. SO LETapos;S HOPE I CAN GET MY TRANSFER APPLICATIONS COMPLETED ON TIME.

Because this sort of thing is dangerous, and very unlike me, as I am an academic nerd to the extreme.

I kind of want to punch things when I think about my British Literature class. It was described as a class about the Romantic era to modern day, and all weapos;ve done so far is Romantic period poetry. THIS IS THE 5th WEEK of 10 I have a midterm exam on Wednesday about just this crap - which I donapos;t grasp all that well and knew that, hence why I didnapos;t take the fucking poetry class that was offered. WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE? WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO DO TO ME? If I get a B and my GPA comes down, I will have another spaz attack. Iapos;m that perfectionist, damn it.

Though I really love Keats.

"Thou foster child of silence and slow time"

Itapos;s just a little bit too relevant right now and ends up depressing the hell out of me. "Ode on a Grecian Urn" in general is really dark if you interpret it as such. "That is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know". Except Iapos;m not allowed to use my feelings or experiences in my interpretations. Thatapos;s why most English classes make me hate what I normally enjoy.

Lack of sleep clearly makes me cranky. Time to stare at the cornucopia of Nino pictures floating about my hard drive - the ones I have no idea what to do with other than drool over.

I LOVE FALL. I wish I were home, where there is actually foliage. Though perhaps Iapos;ll go to Old City later and sit around all the historical buildings and think "Thanksgiving is coming soon A holiday Ben Franklin, the mascot of Philadelphia, would hate immensely. Because he loves turkeys."
euro historical rate, euro historical rates, euro hit italo, euro hockey net.

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